Randy and family,
I am sorry to hear of this. My condolences.
Alligator Wisdom
randy watters, owner of freeminds.org father just died a couple of hours ago from pneumonia and alzheimers.
he was 86 years old.
as randy has been tireless in his efforts to help countless people come out of the wts, i would like to express my sincere condolences to him at this time.. .
Randy and family,
I am sorry to hear of this. My condolences.
Alligator Wisdom
One of the many fixtures over the years since I first arrived at this site almost eight years ago.
May he rest in peace
Alligator Wisdom
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
when addressing the first-century christian congregation in ephesus, jesus spoke of the love you had at first.
the ephesians had many good qualities, yet the love they once manifested for jehovah had waned.
hence, jesus told them: i know your deeds, and your labor and endurance, and that you cannot bear bad men, and that you put those to the test who say they are apostles .
Note that the Scripture in Revelation says "left" the love you had at first.
"Left" = Deliberate action by choice [i.e. The postman left the package at my doorstep OR I left music to study law]
But also note that the last sentence in the Daily Text says "lose" the love you had at first.
"Lose" = Fail inadvertently to attain, thus not by choice. [i.e. I just lost my dime under this sofa OR to lose one's job]
Apparently the WTS tried to squeeze both definitions as being the same, when in actuality it throws an entirely different meaning on the explanation.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
...the whole of canada hooked up by phone.. no big announcement that it was all a scam, no cancellation of the field service arrangement, just a praise of the new printing press and some regular drab.
what a waste of my saturday evening..
Not meaning to go "off topic", but still relevant to the thread:
Asia's zone visit will be held in Japan (Ebina Bethel) during the first week in May. There are some missionaires assigned within the zone that will fly in in order to attend. And in case you want to know, their airfare is paid for by the Society.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
the wts has announced the usual handbill invitation "campaign" for the conventions this year.
i haven't seen a copy but i assume that it will be similar to the one for congregation meetings and from previous years.
the usual 30 per publisher allocation.. i seriously wonder about the efficacy of these campaigns.
slimboyfat said:
Locally my experience is that even elders are quite dismissive of the convention invitation campaigns. They know it is a waste of time
However, in the case of wanna-be elders (MS trying to reach out), it's a case to shine and be proactive. A MS in my congregation was really gung-ho about this campaign and used this to get points to become an elder. He was appointed last spring.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i've been getting reports that those elders that have attended the school are very tight lipped about the school when they return.
anyone heard anything on what the big deal is?.
This must be just in the USA only. There isn't any such school here in the country I'm living in (Pacific Asia region). How about others?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
my avatar is a pic of a cool car, obviously.
Taken from the Greatest Man Who Ever Lived book Chapter 82 in reference to Luke 13:24 "Exert yourself vigorously to get in through the narrow door".
I came to the realization that the "narrow door" leads INTO freedom and OUT of the WTS.
Alligator Wisdom
the following comment was posted in the "mill hill disfellowshipping" thread:.
all 4 were disfellowshipped for believing that the entirety of the ransom, including the new covenant, and the mediatorship and everything else in the bible, applied to everyone.. if that is the case, why do all of the jw prayers, public and private, end with "we pray this through your son, jesus christ, amen"?.
ending prayers like this implies that the payer is going through jesus, hence jesus is the mediator for all prayers made by jws!.
Interestingly Sir82, is that the scripture you quoted (John 14:14) makes a very significant point in the footnote of the NWT reference Bible.
It basically quotes Jesus as saying, "If you ASK ME anything in my name..."
Does it sound like praying to Jesus?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
so it appears that jws are letting their freaky side come out on fb for everyone to see.. there was talk on the ca yesterday strongly warning all true lovers of jehovah to delete their fb accounts.
the talk was solely about fb.
the speaker mentioned that jws are associating with people that would not associate with in real life, often using the excuse that the person is a relative.
I just had two JWs on my friends list delete their FB account last week. Coincidence?
Let's see how many more will during the upcoming weeks.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)